| フィンランドに出張で行ってきました.Turku城で行われたバンケットのメニューの写真が←.裏面の歴史は↓のテキストに. 堅いパンのお皿が印象的.演出もよかった.昔のメニューを再現したっぽいご飯は,普通w |
An evening at the Court of Duke John
In 1556 Prince Johan, the son of the Swedish King, Gustav Vasa, was appointed Duke of Finland. He initiated an era of great festivity in Turku Castle. The young Duke's bride, the Polish Princess Catharina Jagellonica brought the luxurious splendour of the Renaissance period to Turku in 1562.
Tonight the tables are set as if for a banquet in the days of Duke John; the tablecloth reaches to the floor, and tables are decorated with fruit and sweetmeats, which are meant, to please not only the eye but also plate.
Although plates were already used in the 16th century, it is more likely that the guests would eat from small round or square woodern platters. A flat loaf of bread, either placed on the platter or by itself, might serve as a plate.
In those days guests would be expected to bring their own cutlery - a knife and a spoon - which were kept in a leather pouch worn on the belt. The use of the fork did not reach these northern parts of Europe until the mid 16th century. It was therefore customary to eat with the fingers; fingerbowls and jugs of water were usually set on the table and the tablecloth was used for wiping the fingers. Please feel free to do the same!